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Consider Parents Plus Accreditation in 2025!

Consider Parents Plus Accreditation in 2025!


Would you like to take your Parents Plus practice to the next level? 

Our accreditation process supports trained facilitators to refine and enhance their facilitation skills and professional practice. With the guidance of one of our experienced mentors, facilitators can achieve a high standard of delivery in order to ensure the best outcomes for families. 

The benefits of gaining accreditation include:

  • being licensed to deliver the Parents Plus programmes both as a solo facilitator and in private practice
  • opportunity to work as a Parents Plus Supervisor to support other facilitators
  • a major CPD achievement as a practitioner which is recognised by a range of professional bodies

The steps to becoming an accredited Parents Plus facilitator are:

  1. Attend Parents Plus facilitator training for the selected programme
  2. Register to complete the accreditation process
  3. Facilitate at least two Parents Plus groups, following the Parents Plus Quality Protocol (including using session protocols, client ratings and evaluations)
  4. Complete the Parents Plus Supervision process, including video reviews of your group practice
  5. Submit a practice portfolio for review by Parents Plus.

Donna Rowley and Amy Alfei from Carmarthenshire Council share their experience of completing Accreditation in the Parents Plus Healthy Families Programme

What prompted you to undertake accreditation in the Healthy Families Programme?

Following the training with Michelle, we felt motivated to ensure we are delivering the programme at a consistent high quality level. Also, operationally having accredited facilitators makes the programme more sustainable and protects against staff movement or changes as one facilitator can run the group when accredited.

Can you describe your experience of accreditation, was it challenging?  If so, what helped? 

We found the experience to be very supportive and the supervision was really helpful. It was lovely to do best practice debrief and planning as this sometimes gets lost in the busy day to day life on a team. The video aspect of supervision was insightful and helped our practice development. Whether you are an experienced facilitator or a new facilitator, it helps to revisit skills in reflective practice space and to be strengths based with yourself. It was a nice confidence boost for others to see your strengths and tell you!

What impact has it had on your practice/agency?

As a team we have re-implemented the planning and debriefs for all groups and focused on including this in workload for staff. The team is more open to video feedback around their practice and when recording a session the parents don’t mind being videoed when we explain the purpose and that the focus is on us.

Would you recommend parents plus accreditation to a colleague?

Absolutely! We have two more members of staff starting the accreditation and this has also led to us commissioning two other Parents Plus courses. We have also been in talks with other LAs and recommended accreditation.

The cost of accreditation is €390. Parents Plus offer a sponsorship programme for some services.  For more information please email