The New PPEY Core Delivery
The Core delivery of the Parents Plus Early Years programme is an alternative to the original delivery format of the programme. The concepts of the original programme and the written materials for parents have been adapted to become more accessible to a wider range of parents.
This alternative delivery allows facilitators to run the programme with individual families in a flexible manner, shaped to their needs over an extended period of time.
The PPEY Core materials can be used in two ways:
To deliver the programme individually to parents,
picking topics that are most relevant to their children’s needs.
To deliver the programme to parent groups,
picking topics that are most relevant to the group’s needs.
Who is the PPEY Core delivery suitable for?
The Core delivery of the Parents Plus Early Years programme is particularly suitable for parents for whom the original group delivery of the programme may not be suitable and who might benefit from a more individualised content, pace and delivery. This includes parents who might:
- Have an intellectual disability or mental health issues, or have experienced adverse childhood experiences (ACEs).
- Not use english as their first language, preferring the reduced-text written materials and more individual time.
- Live in unstable accommodation and benefit from the more flexible delivery.
- Be isolated or not engaged in services and are unready to attend a group.
- Need more individual support to reflect about their parenting and to make changes with their children.
- Benefit from a home visiting individual programme more than attending a group outside the home.
What is different about the materials?
Parent Book with all the content for nine sessions. | Parent Pack with loose page handouts for each of the fourteen topics. |
Information in the parent book is more detailed and text-based. | Information in the handouts use less text and more images to illustrate key concepts in each topic. |
The book is given to parents in the first session. | Handouts are given to parents as topics are covered. |
Parents write notes and complete handouts in their parent book. | Parents keep their handouts in a personal folder to build their own portfolio. |
14 topics in the PPEY Core Programme
Sample worksheets from the PPEY Core Programme.

Facilitator Training
To learn how to use the PPEY Core Format and to receive the new programme materials, you can attend the full five module PPEY Facilitator training
Find out more about the new Core delivery of the PPEY and how it is used in SPECS Bray, Life Start Sligo and the TUSLA Traveller parenting project by attending our free practice seminar on the 22nd November at 11am – “Adapting parenting programmes to families and communities”
The seminar is online/ in person at the National College of Ireland in Dublin and open to all to attend.
For facilitators who are already trained in the PPEY, we offer a special one module training to show you how to use the PPEY Core on 24th September 2024 9:15am-1:30pm (SOLD OUT) or 8th October 2024 9:15am-1:30pm.
This advanced training workshop will
*Introduce you to new PPEY core format and content
* Recaps on skills of solution-focused video feedback
Copies of the new Parent Pack and Facilitator notes are included See our training page for details of all trainings